Friday, April 10, 2009

( photo)
(First posting) Autism...Those sweet silent angels who silently cry out for our help - and we don't have they key - yet! YOU can help. This website is for all of us!

I'm on a mission to reach out to those of my community - parents and children alike - who need direction and something to cling to! With 1 out of 150 children being diagnosed with autism, and the only help is years away while on a waiting list for professional 1:1 care, I know that together we can make a difference NOW.

This website today is a start. Parents who cry out for help are a start! Our wonderful children who reach out to us are a start! Our togetherness is a start!

Using my experiences from a lifetime of nursing and entrepreneur abilities, I hope to offer hope and a stepping stone as together we create the larger picture of healing and wellness.

My first dream is to find a place where families can go with their child to play/work using principles learned through education in conjunction with input from each family. I'd like to offer a peaceful learning environment free of the everyday stress and worry. A place where children and parents can learn how to reach inside and open the hearts and minds of our little almost-angels.

I have hundreds of ideas, but many heads can do more good than just me. I'd like to be the catalyst for an avalanche of ideas and plans.

We need ideas, volunteers, educational supplies, contacts, donations, almost-angel children and YOU.

All I need is YOU. Please contact me at bestnurse (at) if you live in the Columbus, Ohio, area or want to help in any way no matter where you live.

Feel free to pass this link on to your family and friend and ask them to do the same. The new link address is

Take Care on the Journey,

Email: bestnurse(at)


Buffy said...

Linda- you know I am IN on this one! I don't have time (go figure) to write much at the moment- but I WILL!!!

Linda J. Meikle (Former Linda Cash) said...

Thanks, Buffy. You are a mover and a shaker and that's what we need!

The Cat's Meow said...

The only child I personly knew with Autism was a healthy baby who did photo/tv shoots until she got her routine shots @ 18 mos.
She got a high fever and has been messed up ever since. I still think its from the mercury in the shots. I sure hate seeing Jayla take shots, but I'm not the mom so can't stop them.

Linda J. Meikle (Former Linda Cash) said...

Part of my purpose is to help others understand what to look for in children who have the specific symptoms of Autism.

A big theory is that the childhood shots, or milk, or family bonding, or genes, (the list is endless) causes Autism.

While I have my theory (or theories) too, none have been proven, so the goal is to move on and do what we can to bring the children back. I suspect shots have left their footprints in some children, but my research indicates that's not all of the problem.

Thanks for joining. When your child or someone you love is affected, you want to do everything you can to help and be helpful.
