Saturday, April 11, 2009

Where There's A Will - There's A Way

While most of you were busy with Easter activities, I was working on plans for the Autism Almost-Angels project. (See first posting if you haven't read it yet.)
My husband, always the business man, urges me to move forward to develop ideas and set goals. We're thinking of setting up a non-profit agency, but it's still in infancy stages.
It's late tonight (almost midnight) and I'm really tired, but I hope to get some input as to what the most urgent needs are and how we can start to meet them!
I've sent out some emails for information and made some phone calls. I met with the Columbus library personnel to try and find some contacts. What i need are parents to provide information on your biggest needs right now. (Buffy has been and will be instrumental in that area!)
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers. We will find a way!
Take Care on the Journey,

1 comment:

Buffy said...

Somehow I missed this post when you originally posted almost a month ago- I must have been one of those people off for Easter holiday!

I have some information for you Linda! Bill and I have been attending a "parenting your child with Autism" class once a week and have lots of good information to share!

Our local childrens hospital also offers a 2 day training to train people interested in working with kids with Autism on the basics. Perhaps this would be a good place for you and I to start? I'm going to try to find out more at my class tonight!

As for needs- I will say that there seems to be almost NOTHING available for kids under 3 in the state of Ohio. Once kids turn three they can get the Ohio Dept. of Education's Autism Scholarship- but before that- most insurance companies don't cover services and there is no REAL accessible financial assistance for families. This is absurd to me since the number one thing any professional will tell you is "early intervention is key!" So why do our kids who are lucky enough to be diagnosed early have to waist valuable time waiting for financial assistnace to be able to take advantage of services- unless ofcourse they happen to be lucky enough to come from a well-to-do family... this is the land we currently live in...I'm IN TO HELP CHANGE THAT!!!
